Why Do Muslims Call Others to Islam?

Why Do Muslims Call Others to Islam?

What would be your initial instinct if you stumbled upon something incredibly exciting, sparking the urge to leap with joy?

If you successfully solved a perplexing puzzle, aware that others were also striving for the solution, how would this make you feel? How might you respond?

If you unravelled the profound mysteries of existence or unlocked the secrets of the universe, what course of action would you take with such profound knowledge?

What action would you take if you discovered a method to banish fear and sorrow, replacing them with unending joy?

Many individuals would find it difficult to contain their joy and would seek to share their revelation with as many people as possible. They would eagerly spread the word, hoping to ignite the same enthusiasm and exhilaration in others.

And therein lies the brief explanation for why Muslims invite others to embrace Islam. They are firmly convinced, beyond any doubt, that Islam encapsulates the essence of existence, unveils the mysteries of the universe, and offers the key to everlasting happiness—all comprehensively packaged and easily understandable. They earnestly desire for every soul on Earth to grasp this truth.

However, a more elaborate answer delves into the obedience to divine commands, emulating the example of the prophets, and accumulating rewards in anticipation of attaining eternal serenity and bliss in the Hereafter.

Islam is often characterized as a religion that actively seeks to persuade individuals to embrace its beliefs. This means it strives to convince people that its worldview is the correct one.

Islam not only offers comprehensive answers to life’s profound inquiries but also promotes inclusivity, welcoming individuals from all backgrounds into its fold. There are no barriers based on religious heritage, ethnicity, or nationality; Islam is accessible to all, irrespective of their past affiliations.

Upon embracing Islam, every individual is regarded as equal to their fellow Muslims, regardless of their origin, appearance, or previous circumstances.

The fundamental truths about the divine and His purpose for humanity should be available to everyone. Therefore, those who possess this knowledge are duty-bound to share it with others, as commanded by Allah.

Let there be a group among you who call others to good, and enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong: those who do this shall be successful.

Surah Al ‘Imran 3:104

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in the best manner possible…

Surah Al-Nahl 16:125

Many individuals eagerly desire to share the compelling message of Islam while simultaneously fulfilling the divine commands. Islamic scholars concur that inviting others to the path of God is a collective duty, meaning every believer should actively engage in this noble endeavor. However, if there are ample individuals undertaking this duty in a specific locale, others may be exempted from this obligation.

This endeavor is known as da’wah, and those who partake in it are called da’ees (Da’i). However, assuming that only specialized individuals can undertake da’wah would be erroneous.

While delivering sermons to large audiences might necessitate training, the truth is that every practising Muslim engages in some form of da’wah daily. Their conduct and interactions with others often serve as the most compelling forms of da’wah.

Islam is not just a set of beliefs but a comprehensive way of life. When people witness the tranquillity, humility, and fairness reflected in the everyday lives of Muslims, it undeniably becomes appealing. Setting a good example becomes a natural and effective method of inviting others to Islam. A religion characterized by compassion and pardon, demonstrated consistently by its followers, is particularly attractive to those lacking such grounding.

Among the motivations for calling others to Islam is the desire to emulate the noble mission of the prophets of God. Their objective was to guide people from darkness to light, from disbelief to belief in the Oneness of God.

Prophet Muhammad, the final messenger in a long line of prophets, was dispatched by God to convey, among other teachings, the promise of immense rewards in the Hereafter for those who embrace the belief in One God and worship Him sincerely.

We have not sent you (O Muhammad) but to all mankind as a giver of good news and as a warner, but most people do not know.

Surah Saba’ 34:28

O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness, and a bearer of glad tidings and a warner. And as one who invites to God by His leave and as a lamp spreading light. And announce to the believers the glad tidings, that they will have from God a great bounty.

Surah Al-Ahzab 33:45-7

Yet another motive for engaging in da’wah is its potential for boundless goodness and reward. When someone embraces Islam due to the influence of another individual, the caller to Islam receives rewards each time that person worships God.

Prophet Muhammad said:

Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to that of those who follow it, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all.

At-Tirmidhi, 2674

He also said:

If God guides one person through you, this will be better for you than possessing red camels.

Al-Bukhari and Muslim, 4

During the time of Prophet Muhammad, camels held significant value, with the red variety being particularly prized.

Muslims firmly believe that the path to success, both in this life and the hereafter, lies in adhering to the teachings of Islam. They are convinced that Islam holds the answers to life’s most profound inquiries – questions that trouble the mind at night and inspire daydreams of eternal enlightenment.

Sincerity holds great importance in Islam; those who lack sincerity are aware that their rewards will diminish swiftly. Conversely, believers who genuinely desire to spread the message of Islam may witness their rewards multiplying, even if their efforts appear unsuccessful.

Muslims earnestly desire for every individual on Earth to experience and cherish a relationship with God akin to their own. This heartfelt aspiration is the driving force behind their invitation to embrace Islam.


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